Monday, December 21, 2020

Even A Child...

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us…And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people…” Romans 8:26-27.

Yesterday was a weird day for me and I’m just going to be honest. I woke up feeling grouchy, a bit lonely, restless and in need of encouragement. Nothing bad has happened but you no doubt have experienced one of these days…that emotional itch that just can’t be scratched…the spiritual sneeze that never comes…the laughter that should be easy this time of year. I began praying only by the light of my Christmas tree and strangely enough I heard a prayer leave my mouth that I have never said before, much less thought. It was like the Spirit expressed my deepest desire in a prayer to God. I heard myself say, ‘Lord, it takes faith to believe I can hear You when I can’t hear a thing. It takes faith to believe I can see You though I can’t. But Father, even a child needs to hear their parent every now and then. Even a toddler needs to see the movement of their dad.’ I concluded my prayers and jumped in the shower to get ready for church. I felt a little better and was thankful that I attend a church that is open during this unsettling time.

Once I was settled in my seat with my mask securely in place, I felt an overwhelming Presence come over me. It was the collision of love, peace and joy that made tears stream down my face. As the worship leader readied us for a Bible verse, before he told us which verse, I heard ‘John 3:16’ in my head. A few seconds later that verse thundered through the microphone. ‘For God so loved the world [ME and YOU!], that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life.’ Suddenly, I realized that God was bringing me back home to the starting point…a Father’s love…a love that saves… a love that sacrifices…a love that has no end. The rest of the service was filled with God encouraging me and showing me ways that He is moving in my life. As I went to church preparing to peek into the manger to see the Baby, God was preparing me to see Him. This little daughter heard her Father say ‘I love you so,’ and she saw Him move in ways never to be forgotten.

He is your Father too and no matter what you are experiencing don’t ever forget how much He loves you. He threw off His heavenly robe, set aside His crown, stepped down into a fallen world, wrapped Himself in flesh and calls you His very own. There is no greater love than the love God has for us. All we have to do is peek into the manger to be reminded. 

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19 

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