Friday, January 14, 2022

Included in our Ticket

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28.


A story is told about a man who bought a 3rd class ticket on a steamship headed for New York so he could find work.  His plan was to send for them once he secured a job and found a place to live.  With little to no money for the trip he packed a wheel of cheese and a box of crackers.  Day after day he watched through the dining room window as the passengers in 1st & 2nd class enjoyed the hot meals prepared by the ship’s chef.  At the end of the trip, the steward asked the man why he had never joined them in the dining room.  The weary traveler explained that all of his money went towards his ticket.  The steward responded with shock, ‘Did you not know that three meals a day were included in your ticket?  We set you a place every day, but you never came.’


Aren’t we sometimes like the weary traveler who just assumes we are not entitled to the extravagances of God?  Aren’t there times when we isolate ourselves and relegate our spiritual nourishment to ‘cheese and crackers’ instead of approaching God’s Word expecting ‘fine dining.’  Each morning the table is set for us to join Him...our ticket is punched for meals throughout the day...our fellowship at the table is guaranteed if we will just show up.


We were never meant to carry the weight of our burdens, but rather to witness the weight of His glory as He carries them for us.  He offers rest if we will slow down and take it.  He desires fellowship if we will seek Him instead of the world.  He offers ongoing spiritual nourishment if we will just join Him.

We became 1st class citizens when Christ denied this world and sacrificed His life for you and for me.  Our lives are destined for Heaven and our vessel is the empty grave.  When Jesus Christ was resurrected from death, our spiritual tickets afforded us the infinite abundance of God.  Our part is just to come as we are! 

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