Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Surrendering Our Way

"Commit your ways to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noon day sun." Psalm 37:5-6

I was convicted this morning by this verse. While I am thankful for conviction it still doesn't feel good to experience the conviction. In an effort to ask someone for help I sent an email listing the things I would do in an effort to justify what I was asking them to do in the sitution. That has typically been "my way" over the years whenever I required help from someone. It is rare that I ask for help which is a point of pride I know that I also need to work on...one conviction at a time--please!

This verse reminds me that we all have "our way" for which we orchestrate our lives. Committing our way to the LORD means to give up our agenda and every human effort to achieve that agenda and lay it at the LORD's feet. Through this offering and sacrifice we are basically saying, "Lord, I trust you to accomplish your will, in your way and in your time. Through this offering of our "way" he will provide everything needed for us to accomplish what is required in our life through His way.

Father, help me to remember this in everything I do today. Amen

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