Thursday, December 1, 2011

Digging & Rerouting

“Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” 2 Tim 1:14.

I am finishing up with the study of the Book of Daniel. I love this book as it provides an endless reservoir of Scriptural application for our lives. Daniel 5 ends with the relatively effortless toppling of the Babylonian empire. To give some history, Babylon was surrounded with fortified walls so secure that the need for watchmen was little to none. They were prideful, self-sufficient and self-reliant within their walls not needing anything from the outside world…or so they thought.

The Euphrates River ran through the center of Babylon providing one of the greatest assets of their kingdom which eventually became their downfall. The Persian army, credited for this defeat, overtook the most powerful kingdom of this time by simply diverting or rerouting the water by digging a canal from the river to a nearby lake. This diversion created a gap under the wall at which point they infiltrated the city and overthrew the administration.

The security of their kingdom was in the strength of their own fortified walls. Nowhere on their radar screen could they have ever imagined the enemy would enter through this means. They were caught completely off guard!

What the Persian army did in the earthly realm Satan attempts in the spiritual realm. We build walls of false security that our faith cannot be derailed and rerouted. We become complacent in our spiritual lives never imagining that Satan is digging in the weak areas. If we are harboring bitterness, anger or jealousy we provide the perfect spot for the enemy to enter into our hearts. If we are not focusing on the strengthening of our walls through the help of the Holy Spirit we can expect Satan to enter through the gaps.

Ignoring areas of weakness that run through the middle of our lives basically hand the shovel to the enemy and dares him to dig. Instead we must hand our emotions over to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to heal…and this will guard the precious deposit for which God has entrusted His children.

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