Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our Thoughts - Futile or Faithful

“The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile.” Psalm 94:11

There have been plenty of times in my life as a mother that I was grateful that I could not read my children’s minds. I only had to look at their expression to get an idea of the thoughts they were forming during tense times…thoughts of disagreement, thoughts that I was being unjust, unloving or unfair. On many occasions I am sure their thoughts centered on the belief that I didn’t know what I was talking about. If I ever confirmed verbally what they were thinking many times it was met with their embarrassment and denial.

There was another child who got caught in her thoughts by her parent. ‘So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought…Then the LORD said… ‘Is there anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time…’ Gen 18:12, 14. God is well aware of all of our thoughts and the measurement of our faith against our desires. Sarah was past the child-bearing years and no doubt would have been ecstatic to have children. The very thing for which she desired might have been delayed based upon her unbelief. Of course, I can only guess but could it have been that Sarah’s desire would have been fulfilled sooner had her thoughts not been laced with unbelief and sarcasm? Was the appointment time, after her doubting thoughts were replaced with repentance and belief in God’s promise?

We all have that driving desire for something that resides deep in our hearts. It consumes our thoughts and lives in our words. We convince ourselves of the difficulties of the desire becoming reality. We base our beliefs on what can be accomplished by man’s abilities instead of God’s. We disparagingly live out our hopes and dreams thinking 'futile' thoughts about their fulfillment. The word futile means serving no useful purpose, completely ineffective. Our hopes and dreams will never look attainable unless our thoughts match what our Bible states: ‘With man this is impossible but not with God; all things are possible with God.’ Mark 10:27.

What is your dream that seems so far in the distance? What thoughts are keeping you anchored in unbelief about its fulfillment verses being anchored in faith? No matter what the desire, if it is the will of God your future is already in His rear view mirror. Are your thoughts about God's ability futile or faithful?

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