Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Important Stuff

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Yesterday my daughter Caroline and I had some exciting things on the calendar to take care of regarding her upcoming wedding. We looked for bridesmaid dresses and had an appointment to preview the table settings for the reception which we had previously chosen. She was also going to design her bouquet, stem by stem with the florist designer. The day would be topped off with a birthday party at her house with friends and family. In the middle of the day we had to squeeze in an errand of getting a Co2 tank filled at the gas company. She had a brand-new shiny tank to get filled. The company employee informed her that it was a trade out system where she would turn her empty tank in for a full used tank. As I stood there and saw the tanks next to each other, I asked her if she minded that she had to turn in her new clean tank for the used one. The employee smiled and said to me, ‘Ma’am, the important stuff is what is inside the tank, not the outer piece.’ I immediately thought of this verse when he said these words.

It is human nature to want the lovely outward appearance of everything. Somehow our culture gives value to what we see, instead of what the substance inside is. Thankfully, God reminded me this morning that He looks right past our appearance, status, wealth and popularity when determining our value. He looks straight at the heart of every person to determine beauty and worth. In the instance of my godly grandmother, she was one of the most beautiful women I knew. She didn’t wear make-up or dangling earrings. She didn’t highlight her hair (mercy!) or polish her nails. They didn’t have a great deal of money and their status was as pastors. But she reflected the loveliness of Christ that radiated more than anything money could buy.

It is so easy to fall into the mindset of being a measuring stick. Even at my reunion this past weekend, I found myself feeling a little insecure. I’m so thankful that God looks at our heart and sees us as forgiven…loved…chosen. Like the dirty Co2 tank, the important stuff is on the inside of us…God’s breath that powers us through this life. So, walk today in the confidence of your beauty which is in the contents of your heart. Let us all be lovely in Christ!

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