Monday, October 28, 2019

The Unsearchable Day

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3

Well I LOVE October 28th every year when it rolls around. I call it The Unsearchable Day and the date represents our great God. You see, after Daddy died Mother continued to be completely engaged with life and the network God placed around her…family…friends…church…faith. Grief had been her companion for quite a while during our sister’s journey home followed by our dad’s transition into Heaven. With two vacant spots in her heart she allowed God to fill them instead of any bitterness or barriers in her fellowship with Him. No doubt she called to Him daily for comfort, peace and encouragement to walk out the next 7 years. She did exactly what the Lord invites us all to do…reach out to Him…talk to Him…carve out time with Him…believe in His plan…and boy did He answer! October 28th marks the day that represents one of the most precious blessings He brought to her…Ben, the second man God sent into her life. She didn’t even know to search for another partner. But God knows things about our own hearts that we don’t even know. He knew her loneliness had gone on long enough. He knew how well both she and Ben had loved another, till death did they part. He knew that sending Ben to her would provide what she had lacked in her soul. Two years ago, today, Ben and Mother said, ‘I do!’ and have never looked back.

I sometimes wonder what unsearchable things God has for me and my family up ahead. I wonder what things have been planted in our hearts…things God has set in motion to bless us…things not yet revealed. What if we decided to believe that every circumstance that flowed into our lives was to accomplish the amazing and unsearchable blessings of God? What if we had the courage to embrace even the details that challenged our very faith? What if the very things that would be our greatest blessing has not been revealed because we haven't developed a close relationship with God to hear? These are things of God and all the details of every situation have filtered through God’s will for our lives. We wouldn’t even believe the great things that God has for us if He revealed them to us now. But one thing is for sure, you and I will be the benefactors of Unsearchable Days when we take our hands off our lives and place every situation in the hands of a good and great Father. He cannot answer if we do not call!

Happy Anniversary to Mother and Ben on their Unsearchable Day!

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