Monday, November 11, 2019

An Offering Made by Fire

Then the priest shall take from the grain offering a memorial portion, and burn it on the altar. It is an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the LORD.” Leviticus 2:9

A few years ago, Bruce had a partial knee replacement. I watched first-hand how painful it was for him to move or bend the knee. I knew that part of Bruce’s morning routine was kneeling by the bed in prayer as soon as his feet hit the ground. One evening we were talking about different people who needed prayer. I assumed that since the surgery he just laid in bed in prayer before he got up. He told me that he had not changed anything in his spiritual routine. In fact, he had prayed in advance to be able to continue kneeling after the surgery. Painful as it was, he would get out of the bed, arrange his leg as best he could with the least amount of pain and proceed with his prayers. I remember the word ‘offering’ coming to my mind as I pictured him kneeling and praying for others.

I sincerely believe that when we pray during our most painful times…physically, spiritually or emotionally… our petitions ascend into heaven as a sweet aroma to the Lord. When we place our suffering on the altar of prayer, we invite God into those areas that hurt…areas that are broken…places that need repair. And just like Bruce’s knee, day by day through our prayers our wounds heal a little and our hearts settle into hope. I can’t even imagine what it is like to be the Father looking down on the frailties and brokenness of His children. When He hears our prayers for others in the midst of our suffering, I have no doubt it moves the heart of God. Anything that moves His heart is sweeter than any aroma we have ever experienced. The sweetest offering ever placed at God’s feet will be some of the most difficult times in our lives...those seasons of walking through the fire. So, when you are hurting…pray. When you are lonely…pray. When you are depleted…pray. And watch what the Lord will do for you, in you and through you.

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