Friday, November 22, 2019

The Best BOGO Ever!

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

This beautiful verse on which all others hinge was the first Bible verse I memorized as a child. I’m sure that at that time I had little awareness of what this verse really meant. I had no idea of the pain that must have shattered the Father’s heart as He momentarily turned away from Jesus on the cross. I had no idea that the Son who died for little old me was perfect in every way to atone for my sins. I certainly had no way to comprehend that because of His choice to die, I now had a choice to live. But I do now, and it never ceases to humble me at the price Jesus paid. It was the most precious purchase ever made on my behalf and on your behalf.

I’m all grown up now with grown up problems and grown up decisions. But I walk out my journey with the simplistic message of the empty cross. God traded His throne in perfection for a cradle in the dirt and took on the flesh of Jesus. Jesus the Son died for you and for me. The Holy Spirit took up residence in our hearts the second we believed and equipped us with everything needed. Because of these events we are cleansed…we are rescued from sin…we are promised eternity.

Because Jesus paid that price, I not only get to live out eternity with Jesus, but I get to run back to both my earthly father and heavenly Father…it was a buy one, get one free (BOGO) purchase that will continue to be the greatest gift ever bought for me. So, if there is an empty place at the Thanksgiving table this year, we can take great comfort that by accepting the gift of Jesus, we get the gift of future reunions with our loved ones. 

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