Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Walking Out our Question Marks

The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” De 31:8

This is one of my favorite verses and it always brings comfort to areas of my life that still hold a question mark. We all have questions marks when facing tomorrow, but we don’t face it empty-handed or empty-hearted. As believers, we all have a spiritual arsenal we carry within us. One of greatest weapons when considering our unknown future up ahead is to cling to God’s mercies and miracles from past experiences. When we feel scared, we can reach into our little spiritual bags and cling tightly to His past faithfulness as a promise for a future victory. When we feel exhausted, we can call upon the Lord and repeat His words back to Him as a petition. ‘Lord, you promise that your grace is sufficient for me… Lord, you tell me to cast my cares upon you…Lord, you encourage me to come to you when I am thirsty.’ When we feel heartbroken, we claim the promise from God that He has and will come to heal our broken hearts and bring freedom from tough circumstances.

We walk this earth on a path of question marks, but our passage this morning reminds us that the path is led by God who has already walked it for us. Our future is His history and never in the history of the world has God failed anyone…not one person. His track record is the only perfect track record ever recorded. Because every single promise He gives to us will be fulfilled, we never have to fear that He will forsake us.

Whatever your question mark ends up being, God has already stamped an exclamation point on the end of the story. It is a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness…mercy…sustaining grace…undying love. It is a story of how you took God at His word! That is what is up ahead for you and for me. We are indwelt by His spirit…we are equipped for our journey… we are postured for triumph…we are promised of His constant presence. What a spiritual arsenal we possess as we face our questions marks of tomorrow!

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