Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gardens of Gratitude

The LORD God planted a garden…and there He put the man…And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food…Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it…Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.” Ge 2:8-22.
I can only imagine what a beautiful place the Lord planted for Adam as his home. I am confident that as Adam looked around, he was overwhelmed with the beauty…the moss-covered path to walk down that split the beautiful fruit trees. The babbling brook splitting its path around the rocks. The sapphire colored sky and the birds that had taken to flight. The gentle wind that brushed his hair into his face. As if that weren’t enough, when he awoke from rest the discovery of his beautiful partner Eve who would share this beautiful garden with him. Did they walk hand in hand with their newly discovered love? Did Eve stop along the way, bending down to gather an array of colorful and fragrant flowers? Did a bunny hop across their path as they were walking between the trees? As they experienced all the goodness that God had given them, their hearts must have been so grateful for these blessings. And yet, there was still dissatisfaction in their hearts for the one thing they didn’t have…access to the one tree that stood in the center of their lives. At what point did their hearts of gratitude turn to thoughts of lack? Did they get bored…curious…resentful that God would withhold something good from them?
Before we judge too swiftly, I know that there have been times in my own life when I had every reason to be grateful for the garden that God planted for me. I have played in the fields of a beautiful childhood, strolled the paths of life with a loving husband by my side, and nurtured and cared for the amazing children with whom God entrusted me. And yet, sometimes in the secret place of my heart there have been tinges of ingratitude for a few things I didn’t have.
Today is a beautiful and meaningful day to consider all of the blessings that God has planted in our gardens. I pray that you and I will take the time away from the busy responsibilities of carving turkeys and baking pies today. I want to experience the joy of fellowship with those in my garden. I want to remember those who have walked the garden stones previously with me making my life better. I want to have more conversation today and less eating and fussing with dishes. I don’t want to think about tomorrow but fully breathe in the blessings of today. I want to be completely engaged in my Garden of Gratitude.
Happy Thanksgiving! You are all in my garden and I’m so blessed that God planted you there.

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