Friday, March 20, 2020

Daylight is Coming

For I will pass through the land…the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you…and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you…” Exodus 12:12-13

If you ever have felt like the Bible was some ancient book that is difficult to relate, welcome to the year 2020 version of Passover. God had already sent 9 other plagues to Pharaoh as punishment that he was not releasing the Israelite’s. The tenth was the one that broke Pharaoh’s denial of freedom for the slaves. It was the slaying of the first born from every family ‘from the first-born of King Pharaoh to the first-born of the captive in the dungeon.’ God told His people to stay in their homes and not come out until He had passed over. He commanded them to sacrifice a lamb and cover their door-frame with the blood of the Lamb. When God was on the move, He would spare [pass over] the homes whose door-frames displayed the blood. I wonder if they knew exactly when God would pass over them? Did they begin wondering if they had done enough for the door-frame to display the blood? Had the Passover occurred? What about the other tribes…their friends…their families…were they spared?

Throughout the days, I have also wondered if my friends and family will be spared from the virus that is passing through our communities, cities and states. I wonder if people including myself are doing enough…washing our hands…not touching our faces…staying optimistic…‘sheltering-in.’ During the original Passover, they didn’t have social media, phones or 24-hour newscasts. They were bound to their home with nothing more than their faith…their commitment to do what was being required…their courage. Their stakes were high and so are ours!

Just like the Israelite’s, God is in our midst and is our Protector. Just like the Israelite’s, we are called to courage and hope for better days when the death of the virus occurs. Just like the Israelite’s, life will return to normalcy with a greater appreciation of freedom, community fellowship and corporate worship. We must do what is required while this temporary and deadly virus passes us by. We must check on each other and provide the encouragement and hope to frightened people. God promises to never leave us or abandon us, and we will take Him at His word. He gave us a Book to comfort us…a Book to guide us…a Book to show that the people of God have been turning to Him for delivery since the Garden of Eden. We must open our hearts and our Bibles during this time when the world has slowed down to a snail’s pace. We have everything we need in Christ for this moment in time. Daylight is coming!

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