Friday, March 6, 2020

Substance From Nothing

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep…Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light, and it is was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.” Ge 1:1-4

This beautiful passage came to mind this morning when I was doing my Bible Study, Chasing Vines by Beth Moore.  I was reading the chapter regarding experiencing traumas and difficult circumstances in life.  Most times our painful situations can be described as darkness. Those seasons of life when light has left our hearts and nothing bright and joyful can be seen on the horizon.  Those seasons when every good thing behind us seems dead and every darkness before us seems permanent.  But as I sit here with complete confidence that God never changes, this passage comes to mind.  Since the beginning of creation, God has been making substance out of nothing every day.  He is still calling light’s name when darkness has the megaphone.  He created my children out of the ‘nothingness’ of a desire.  He took my child’s drug addiction, one of the darkest 8-year periods of my life and gave her substance like nothing I’ve ever seen.  Substance of testimony, intimacy with Christ and sponsorship to other struggling women.  He has taken my sinful times and brought substance out of its darkness.  He has taken times of deep grief and brought substance of compassion and love out of that darkness.

I know that many of you are experiencing the dark cold winters of life.  You might be wondering if God will ever divide the light from the darkness again.  God’s word is just as relevant today as it was the moment He called the world into existence and He is wielding light even if you can’t see its glimmer.  His love for us motivated His creation of us and He will continue to work everything for us through this great love.  He is always with us guiding us towards our divine destiny.  We are all destined to one day leave this earth and take our place in eternity.  Our dark seasons create a deeper dependency on God.  Many of my trials have been the keys that have unlocked self-made prisons.  Trials transform us from flesh to spirit, idleness to purpose, ego to humility and self-love to giving-love…all beautiful substance driven from darkness.  I’m thankful that darkness will perish but the Lord remains forever.  Let the beautiful words of Psalm 102:25-27 call light out of darkness. 

They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment.  You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end.’

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