Thursday, March 26, 2020

Running in Place

Therefore...let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

When I was in middle school, I remember the first time our P.E. teacher instructed us to ‘run in place.’ I thought the phrase itself was contradictory and didn’t see the point. As I looked around, I saw my fellow classmates lifting their knees and swinging their arms as if they were accomplishing something. But, always wanting to please my teacher I began the exercise. It felt weird…awkward…senseless but I soon realized that we were running in place as preparation for a future run. She was getting us prepared…she was stretching our muscles so we might not cramp…she was looking out for our best interest in advance of the real run.

I don’t know about you but during this challenging time some days I feel like I’m running in place…not going anywhere…not accomplishing anything…just waiting, waiting, waiting! It occurred to me this morning my encumbrance for this race is impatience. The more impatient I am the less endurance I have. I have to make myself go walking instead of sitting on the couch wondering what is in our future. How long must I run in place? Most of my prayers are for others since the needs of so many people are paramount. But when I lift up my own name to God, I ask Him to do for me what I cannot do for myself…lay my impatience aside so I can run in place with endurance. Every one of us has our own lane that God has set before us during this time. While we are at home God is preparing us for the run up ahead. He is exercising our spiritual muscle, toning it up for the future. He is busy orchestrating every detail in our lives as it relates to what we need. Running in place is important because it is a directed focus until the future is revealed.

Running in place means prayers for the moment, maybe 100 times a day. Running in place takes captive our fearful thoughts replacing them with faithful ones. Running in place means calling someone who might need a listening ear. Whether we feel it or not, God has equipped us all for a moment such as this. When we claim faith and calm over fear and impatience, we will run our race triumphantly even if our circumstances are binding us.

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