Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Longing for Popcorn

So, [Elisha] answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’” 2 Kings 6:15

I love this story found in 2 Kings, chapter 6. The servant of Elisha who walked outside early in the morning saw a great army that was going to attack them. His heart sunk with fear and despair and he reported this to his master, Elisha. Elisha then prayed for God to open the eyes of his servant so he could see the army of God and all the horses and chariots surrounding them and their attackers. The servant who was previously struck with debilitating fear was shown that God was providing things he couldn’t see.

I have felt very peaceful over the past couple weeks regarding our invading enemy, the virus. There is comfort in knowing that it is a temporary condition, although a condition dangerous for a certain group at risk. I hadn’t considered what this experience might be doing to the human psyche until yesterday when the strangest thing happened to me while watching the news. I had gotten plenty of rest and my morning had been very peaceful. I glanced up at the television and they were reporting on Disney who temporarily closed their doors the evening before last. It showed all the characters congregating on a large balcony waving goodbye as the doors closed for an unknown time period. I discovered tears that had escaped and were streaming down my cheeks. Even as I recall that scene, the words I type are blurred at best.

What is it about that scene that tugs so hard at my heart? Could it be that underneath it all, I long for a day when Mother brought me and my sisters a hot bowl of popcorn as we laid in front on the television? Could it be that I am reminded that our little family of yesteryear has empty seats around our table? Does it remind me that there will be a day when we must wave goodbye to those we love? How can the residents of the ‘happiest place on earth’ abandon us at a time like this? Who is next? Who will shut their doors on us? What else will be denied from us? I realize that no matter how much faith we have, we can all be like the servant of Elisha. We all need reassuring this morning, mid-day and tonight that we don’t need to fear because anything out there is not as great and powerful as the God who goes with us. It is very easy when facing our fears to forget that we are in God's protective custody.

We need to replace our emotional psyche with our spiritual affirmations. God is in complete control and absolutely nothing passes through His hands without His permission. There was a beginning to our situation and there will be an end. God will never forsake or abandon us in our time of need. God will never close the door on any promise He has given us in times of trouble. He is our refuge and our hope, and our gaze must be on Him alone. We only need to consider God's deliveries from our yesterdays to remind us of all of tomorrow’s certainties in Him. And our journey will be peppered with the beautiful affirmations that will lead us to the day when the park is once again open, and our bowls are full of warm popcorn.

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