Friday, April 17, 2020

Activating Angels

Put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silence [silent]” (Isa. 62:6 AMPC).
When my children were still under my care, I can’t number the times they reminded me of a promise I made to them. If I was taking too long leaving home to go shopping, they would remind me that I had said we would leave at that time. If errands stretched out too late in the afternoon and I changed my mind about taking them somewhere, their battle cry was always, ‘But you promised!’ I tried my best to promise things over which I knew I had control. The fulfillment of my promises rarely hinged on the fulfillment of their promises. After all, we are only as good as our word to others. I was never perfect at being able to deliver every promise made, but God is.
Isaiah invites us to remind God of His promises through the words of Scripture. Although we serve an invisible God, He has shared His visible promises in the Word. I love how Max Lucado exemplified reminding God of what He promised. ‘Populate your prayers with ‘You said…’ ‘You said you would walk me through the waters’ (Isaiah 43:2 author’s paraphrase). ‘You said you would lead me through the valley’ (Psalm 23:4, author’s paraphrase). ‘You said you would never leave me or forsake me’ (Heb 13:5, author’s paraphrase). Find a promise that fits your problem and build your prayer around it. These prayers of faith touch the heart of God and activate the angels of heaven. Miracles are set into motion…The path to peace is paved with prayer.Anxious for Nothing, Max Lucado, p. 87.
These are anxious times and prayer is the only thing that ensures peace in our journey. Be specific regarding the things you desire God to accomplish on your behalf. God has a heart for details…just consider His creation. Consider how many small insects He created that crawl upon the earth. Consider the blooms of every rose and the timing that God bids them to open. Consider the sap that rises in the tree…the wave that finds its landing spot upon the shore…the cloud that waves as it passes in front of the sun. When we express specific desires to God, we demonstrate our belief that He governs over every detail in our lives. We remind Him of the beautiful things that He has promised and the faithful record He has built for delivering those promises. So ‘keep not silent’ but power your prayers with the words of the One who is faithful.

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