Monday, April 6, 2020

The True Contagion

Let your gentleness be evident to all...the Lord is at hand.” Philippians 4:5

Over the weekend the news seemed to have been colored with violent blacks and charcoals. Descriptions for this Holy week included our Pearl Harbor day…one of the darkest times in the history of our nation…devastating losses in death. But one of the most repeated words I’ve heard for at least a month is ‘contagious.’ The relentless movement and infiltration of this contagion has forced us to distance ourselves from most friends and family for which we usually love on and fellowship.

I began considering Holy Week as it related to Jesus. As Sunday melted into Monday, did Jesus awake like I did this morning with the heaviness of His ‘Pearl Harbor Day’ on His mind? I’m sure that He was aware that one of the darkest days in the history of the world was getting ready to occur. He fully understood how this story would end…a devastating loss for His mother, His siblings and His disciples and friends. The pursuit had been relentless, and intense hatred for Jesus had become contagious. But as I consider the details of His Holy week, I consider what was ultimately contagious…His gentleness…evidence of His Godliness. Everything considered, while Jesus was being hated by others, the disciples were being loved by Jesus at the Last Supper. While Jesus was preparing to die, He was preparing His friends of how to live. While Peter cut off the ear of the man who was arresting Jesus, he was told by Jesus to put away his sword. Even as Jesus hung on the cross with labored breath, He whispered to the criminal that they would be together that day in Paradise. His gentleness was contagious which marked the true presence of God.

When we are heavyhearted and anxiety rages within us, we can remember that Christ also faced His ‘Pearl Harbor Day,’ but showed His true character by His gentleness and concern for others. I can’t help but to believe that gentleness in Christ is more contagious than any virus that has a shelf life. As we walk out our first day of Holy Week, may our gentleness towards others testify that our Lord is at hand and walks every step with us.

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