Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Fragile Hope

“…knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:3b-5.

A few days ago, I was out taking my morning walk which has
become the best part of my day. As the days continue to unfold with somewhat of a ‘Groundhog’s Day’ movie theme, I find it more difficult to keep the faith…display the smile…to feel ‘the peace of Christ ruling in my heart.’ I doubt I am the only one who feels a bit off…weepy at times…easily irritated with things that normally don’t take up space in my mind. But we were created for freedom, so I am not too hard on myself since our job is to isolate. As I walked, I was focused on how restrictive our lives are at present and I glanced down and saw this fragile little speckled egg on the ground. The outer shell was missing a portion of its protective wall, an area where the baby bird applied pressure as it got stronger. I can just see the tiny form squirming and moving with perseverance until daylight broke through. Did the light hurt its eyes because of the brightness? Were there moments when the bird doubted it had the strength to continue? Did the little bird use hope as much as it used pressure?

Hope…what a beautiful word that never loses its optimism. ‘Hope is found not in the avoidance of suffering but the working through it. So, what is hope? According to this passage, hope has to do with an experience of God’s love that does not disappoint but instead feels like a flood of God’s love in the heart…and offers us a sense of certainty about God and our future.’ Inheritance of Hope website. Are we not like that little baby bird squirming and striving to make it through this time with the hope of freedom coming soon? Don’t we need the same perseverance that the little bird exerted, for us to grow spiritual development and a strengthened relationship with God? Because of God’s love we are also shelled in as a means of God’s protection and wisdom. Just like the little bird, we were meant to soar and experience God’s creation in full throttle. We might feel fragile during these days and weeks, but our promise of freedom applied with the hope of a better tomorrow will be realized sooner than later… hope does not disappoint. I never met the little bird, but it took flight as soon as it could, and so will we. In the meantime, we will remain protected in God's love and sheltered in hope...even if some days feel more fragile than others.

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