Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Fanning into Flame

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…” 2 Tim 1:5-6.

The other day I had the pleasure of having lunch with a woman from my church who I discovered had been under the spiritual influence of my grandmother for a big part of her life in Wesleyan Women’s Ministry. I was so excited to hear her stories about how she both witnessed and was influenced by the life of my grandmother. My grandmother fell deeply in love with Jesus when she was 16 years old and the flame never died. I was sharing a story about her yesterday with one of my best friends. When Grandmother was pregnant with Daddy, she began praying faithfully for a godly spouse for him. It was Christmas and my grandparents went to a Charlotte church to enjoy a nativity scene. Over twenty years later, it was revealed through a story my mother told them that as a 6-week old she was in the manger as baby Jesus at that church. Grandmother prayed for 20 years for a daughter-in-law who she set her eyes upon as a 6-week old. Grandmother and Granddaddy passed their amazing faith onto Mother and Daddy who in turn instilled in us the love for God and the devotion of that love. I don’t remember a single day when their words and actions didn’t fan into flame their gift from God – His message of love, redemption and reconciliation.

As a grandmother, I have tried to have an impact on my grandchildren sharing with them what was imparted to me. Generational faith is one of the most important things you can talk about, share and exemplify to this generation who needs it desperately due to our culture of anything goes. My grandchildren have grown up watching their mother seek God and celebrate Him through worship and actions. They have grown up watching me begin my day in Bible study and prayer time. They have respected it, talked about it and even participated in my time with questions about God. One of the sweetest things Kherington ever said to me was that she just knew God thought I was a good student. Now that is a compliment I will treasure in my heart.

Of all the gifts we can give to our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews or those younger people in our sphere of influence is our testimony of how God has faithfully been there in all seasons. They need to know that they were loved enough that Jesus died to give them life forever. I am overwhelmed when I think about four generations of Miller/Emmons/Privette/Neal girls kneeling to worship the same God. God has placed in every one of us His most beautiful gift – His Son who gave up His life so we could share one with God. There is nothing more important than to exemplify a life hidden in Christ to those young eyes and ears who are listening. Not only is it a suggestion but it is a beautiful commandment from the Alpha and Omega…the Beginning and the End…Who was, and is, and will always be!

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” De 6:5-7.

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