Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Danger of Self Focus

But before I had finished speaking in my heart, there was Rebekah, coming out with her pitcher on her shoulder, and she went down to the well and drew water. And I said to her, ‘Please let me drink.’” Ge 24:45

At first glance there is nothing special about this verse, but as my preacher says, ‘Context is everything.’ Our story is about a servant of Abraham who was sent to the city of his master's extended family to bring back God’s chosen wife for Abraham's son, Isaac. The Lord had imparted to the servant that he was to request a drink from a woman who would not only oblige, but also offer to provide water to the servant’s camels. Before he even finished his prayer to God, beautiful Rebekah appeared like an angel before him. She responded with kindness…not just kindness…but selfless action for the benefit of another. ‘And she made haste and let her pitcher down from her shoulder, and said, ‘Drink and I will give your camels a drink also.’ (v. 46)

I began thinking about how in that one sentence, God most likely answered the prayers of many people. I am confident that Rebekah had dreams of falling in love and sharing a life with another. I feel certain that the servant loved his master and wanted his desires to be fulfilled. I am sure that Abraham and Sarah had prayed for a daughter-in-law for their beloved Isaac. And in that moment of routine when Rebekah was going about her usual day everything changed…prayers were answered…hearts were connected…lives were joined as one. So, I began to consider what if Rebekah had only been looking out for herself on that routine day? What if she was too busy…too worried…too hurried to talk to the stranger at the well? What if she gave him a quick drink and didn’t even notice the thirsty camels?

Some of our greatest blessings will be ushered in through our kindness to others. Some of our most lifechanging events are a result of being present in the moment and giving our time and resources to the needs of people with whom we daily interact. Rebekah had great kindness, uncanny awareness and uncommon generosity. She went above and beyond and found the man of her dreams and built a legacy that we are still reading about today. As we go about our regular routine today and doing our normal to-do’s may we share the same attributes of Rebekah and have eyes for those other than ourselves. Our biggest blessing just might be dependent upon our kindness.

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