Tuesday, January 15, 2019

No Expiration Date

And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.” Ge 21:1-2

This passage is a very important and encouraging passage to me and probably also to you. Sarah had been barren most of her adult life, and more than anything else on earth she wanted to have a baby. Her desire like many of our desires was completely out of her control. No doubt she prayed and begged God for what came so easily to the women around her. She was faithful in her prayers and lived a righteous life, but the years still delivered the emptiness of a nursery. At one point being tired of waiting on God she manipulated the circumstances and commanded her husband to sleep with her maidservant. Her manipulation worked as the servant became pregnant. But the contentment she thought it would bring her was just as empty as her arms. Instead of conceiving a child Sarah conceived bitterness which birthed jealousy and hatred. Finally, after her repentance the LORD gave her what He promised her at 90 years old. ‘When she rebelled against God’s authority, her life was shattered. When she repented of her rebellion and submitted to God’s authority, Sarah was blessed beyond her wildest imagination.’ Life Lessons from Women in the Bible, Rhonda Harrington Kelley, p. 33.

I am so encouraged by the passage because it reveals the process of God blessing His children. He visits us in our prayers when we share the desires of our heart. He speaks guidance and wisdom in our prayer life aligning our desires with His. He not only answers our prayers that aligns with His will, but He knows the exact set time of fulfillment. There is an unanswered prayer that I have been lifting for over a decade. He has met me in these prayers and promised me things that I will receive down the road. I no longer need to continue lifting the same prayers. Instead I thank Him for the future fulfillment of promise He made to me long ago. When I get to that desire, I pray ‘Thank you Lord for 'your will, your way and your when' that You will bring this blessing into my life. Great is your faithfulness!’

For the woman who awaits someone to love…keep praying. For the heart that has been broken…keep believing. For the man who has not work…keep searching. For the one who has the illness…keep fighting. Our prayers NEVER go unheard, and they never expire. God gave my grandmother the promise in her 70’s that she would write a book of spiritual journaling. That book was published at 99 and released around her 100th birthday. GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!

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