Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Our Expansive God

My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior” Luke 1:46-47.

As I have written before my grandmother recorded her prayers and fellowship with God in journals for over 60 years. One of her experiences left a ‘faith-print’ in my heart when I read a particular entry. She was home alone for a few nights while my granddaddy was called away for work. I’m not sure if this was the first time she was home alone at night, but it certainly embedded fear deep in her soul. She was on her knees begging God to strengthen her…comfort her…protect her. As the Spirit overcame her, the Word flowed into her and echoed God’s promise into her fear. ‘The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them’ Psalm 34:7. I will never forget the beautiful ink that spilled onto that page. She wrote, ‘My God will be faithful to protect me and I shall have a bigger Christ in the morning.’ And I believe that was her Luke 1:46-47 moment when her soul magnified God. She was rejoicing in praise and pen that God would save and that her faith in God would be magnified through the experience. She understood that fear fought by faith would be dissipated through the power in her prayers.

I began considering the things that God has done on my behalf and the behalf of my family and friends. I only had to look back prior to 2006 compared to now, to see how large God has become, and how He has magnified my faith through fearful seasons. In cases of my grief He magnified His comfort in greater portions than my pain. When my child was walking in darkness, He sent His angels to encamp around her in protection. I know that I will experience many more seasons where the God I discover will be greater than the God I presently know.

We will either magnify our problems or magnify our God when fear envelops our lives. When fear and pain become our companions, we must remember past ways God made Himself larger than our circumstances. If we withhold certain areas in our lives from God, we miss out on the beautiful magnification of His power. No matter what circumstances we face, may we all have a bigger Christ tomorrow than we have today.

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