Thursday, January 24, 2019

Morning Symphony

"Who gives the sun for a light by day and the fixed order of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, Who stirs up the sea's roaring billows or stills the waves when they roar -- "the Lord of hosts is His name." Jeremiah 31:35

The other morning, I was considering the things on my calendar for that day that needed to be accomplished. It was the morning of the full moon and it was as if someone had tossed a brilliant fireball into the heavens…oh right…that is exactly what God did! As I sat there amazed at the reality of God’s omnipotent power I could just picture God’s communion with the heavens as He considered His agenda for creation that day. He commanded the clouds to bow as He signaled for the moon to come a little closer to the earth. He placed His hand on Heaven’s dimmer and brightened the moon to its fullest brilliance. He motioned the stars to dance around the light of the moon as the celebration continued. And then suddenly as a maestro signals to the musician to rise and play their solo, God signaled the sun to rise creating its own symphony of beauty. As I glanced up, I was so blessed to see both the moon and the sunrise side by side.

This picture reminds me that God is the ultimate multitasker for both creation and humanity. He can create joy while there are painful circumstances. He can put both fellowship and communion in the lonely hearts of His children looking for love. He can extend life when death has been spoken by man over our loved ones. He will raise the spiritual body as we lower the physical one. Even in darkness He provides the brilliant light to lead us through that season. God commands Satan to bow where He determines, and draws the boundaries binding evil. He closes the door on seasons that are at their conclusion while He welcomes us like a host through the door of new beginnings.

I’m not sure why we spend our time in futile worry as we navigate through our seasons. Our worry accomplishes nothing and is counterproductive to our worship. God is in complete control of every precious detail in every single situation. He is in control of everything in the heavens and all things on earth. Every single expereince through which we live has been thought out, laid out and played out by God. God guarantees that all things from Him will be good and motivated by His love.  May we only consider what today will bring and take comfort that God is the author of every story being written.

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