Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rhythm and Renewal

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31.

Simple command with huge rewards but why is it that this is one of the hardest things to accomplish? Why can't we buy into this as Jesus did? Not one of us will ever have the schedule of Jesus and the burdens for which He carried for both others and Himself.

Many times in life Christ is speaking the same words to us that He spoke to His disciples in this verse. Many Christians talk about trust in God for deliverence from terrible seasons, trust in healing, trust in provision but many of us do not trust this simple command. We frustrate ourselves by cramming as much in our calendars as we possibly can in an effort to please both ourselves and others.

When I was trying to "fix" Kristen many years ago the one plan I didn't try was this simple command. I didn't make a spot on the calendar to rest in Him on a daily basis. I found myself bed-ridden for three months in excruciating back pain. I was tested for slipped disc, pinched nerves, and degenerative muscular disorder to name a few. With each test nothing showed up but extreme frustration on my part that without a diagnosis of anything there was no hope for a treatment plan. Over the next few days it became clear that my pain was associated with my stress, my fears and not to mention my lack of rest (physically, mentally and emotional). But it was the lack of rest spiritually that created the pain in my heart which was much greater than the pain in my back.

When I didn't make this command first and foremost God took matters into His own hands to allow me the rest required to get through this season. While bed-ridden I was obviously forced to rest and my back was eventually restored along with my spirit. I still had many years ahead of me in this season of darkness but I never forgot the fact that when I wouldn't go with Him to a quiet place, He, in His ultimate love and wisdom, picked me up and carried me to that quiet place with Him.

We can retreat to Him and enjoy the restoration in Him or He can clear our calendar for us in His own way such as He did when I had busied my spiritual calendar to the point of excluding time with Him. No matter what I have on my calendar, whether it is emotional, physical or mental there is a quiet place early in the morning where we meet together, discuss the day and prayerfully abide in each other.

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