Thursday, June 25, 2009

When He Calls...

“Your desire to pursue God comes from the fact that He has pursued you. It is our spirit answering back to God in His pursuit of us.” Beth Moore, A Woman’s Heart – God’s Dwelling Place – Introduction Video.

When my children were little we would frequently visit my in-laws who live at the top of the mountain. Their back deck overlooks a deep and winding valley with an amazing view of Grandfather Mountain. Their back yard is steep and at the bottom is a gazebo with a swing that the children loved to occupy. Many days I would go out on the deck and see in the distance the fog and rain rolling in and anticipated that we had about 5 minutes before the storm hit. Because of my vantage point, I could see things that were approaching that my children could not. I would call to them and bring them in for protection and coverage from the storm.

God did this for me in 2006 when I stayed home from work one day due to the flu. I am not a big fan of television but my extreme boredom beckoned the company of anything. I stopped on INSP which is a station solely for inspirational viewing at which point I decided to watch. Because of that broadcast I decided to start doing daily Bible Studies, something I had never done before. Amazing how I grew up in the church, claimed to be a Christian, and never had even participated in an intimate Bible Study on my own. I had certainly been to many Bible Studies within the church, sipped on the coffee provided, hugged the ladies goodbye and traveled home for the evening. God’s spirit touched mine that day in February of 2006 beckoning something deeper from me. When God gently nudged me toward Him I felt my spiritual life growing. Little did I know the adversities required of my attention later that year. In May, 2006 my father was diagnosed with incurable cancer and began treatment to extend his life. In June, 2006 my father-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and we began the journey of life changes with him and his wife. In June, 2006 my daughter was diagnosed with a disease and would have to begin treatment.

He was calling me to “come out of that gazebo” and seek shelter from the approaching storms. Luckily, I was in earshot and recognized His voice when He called. So many times, His gentle spirit nudges ours but are we quiet enough, surrendered enough and trusting enough to obey Him although our view of things seem quite different. I cannot imagine weathering the storms of that year, along with the storms of the most recent years. I thank Him everyday that He stands on the deck and watches the fog and the storm roll in to protect, predict and provide.

"When we sense the unmistakable stirring of the Holy Spirit beckoning us to a deeper walk, we have to make decisions that stretch us." Priscilla Shirer, One In a Million, p. 27.

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