Saturday, September 19, 2009

Doubting Don'ts

“Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left;” Proverbs 4:25-26.

When I was a teenager, I worked one summer at our church camp, Bonclarken as a waitress. I know…the image is priceless as clumsy as I am. A piece of advice I received was to choose a still object on the table to which I as walking, keeping my eyes on that object until I arrive at my destination. Seemed to work like a charm until doubt and curiosity set in at which point I looked down, kept walking, began doubting and the pitcher of tea plummeted onto the table of the guests.

My “lack attack” wasn’t as serious as our beloved Peter in the Bible as he was walking by faith on the water towards Jesus. He began doubting and looked down at which point he started to sink.

Doubt will derail us from intended goals set by God. It will take our absolutes in which we firmly believe and dismantle known truths worry by worry. Doubt has stolen many nights and rerouted many plans for me. It has counterfeited truth and disguised itself with many faces.

When God speaks truths into our hearts we must keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him and what He has revealed to us no matter what our circumstances show. Looking above our circumstances to God will keep us focused on the truths of God instead of doubting thoughts. God blesses those who can fix our gaze above our circumstances and look to Heaven with trust and see that mighty Horseman as the Bible states, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True”. Rev. 19:11.

Remember, doubt derails, diminishes and disorients but faith finishes!

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