Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Secret Things...

“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” Deut. 29:29.

Many times revelation comes through temptation and sin. Such was the case when one of my children blatantly broke the rules one summer. She was on grounding for a month and as the completion of her grounding quickly approached I began to fear her freedom. She had rarely been in trouble for anything but this particular incident warranted serious punishment because of the person who had broken the rules.

Each one of us has a sin issue we must reconcile with the Father. We were born into this world with a sinful nature which is why God reveals valuable lessons through our sin. As our Father, He knows and has already accepted that we are of a sinful nature and cannot ever be free of temptation and sin until He takes us home. Through our sinful decisions He demonstrates many of His ageless lessons and always provides a path for us back to Him. Through these continuous journeys back to Him we discover who He is and who we are in Him. Just as He loves us God requires constant love from one to another and any part of love we withhold, either conscious or subconscious, is in conflict with what He requires of us.

He uses the temptation and sin to teach us His precious truths which are individual to our make up just as we know the punishment that will best teach our children when they are disobedient. God revealed to me through my fear of my daughter’s returned freedom that her walk is between the two of them and I must trust Him to reveal the things He needs to impart upon her heart to help her be His successful daughter. In regards to my daughter’s path of temptation I had to and have accepted her journey as a fellow traveler through life first as a child of God and second as my daughter. I accepted her decisions as God accepts mine – only to teach how to be more like Him. I released my fear of a grieved heart knowing it is inevitable just as I will grieve the heart of God in my own life as a child of His.

Temptation and sin have a very important place in our spiritual development and should not be overlooked lightly. Once we have dealt with the sins in our life, forgiving ourselves and others, we should only remember past sins in the same way we remember a lesson in school. We build a stronger Christian life when we learn God’s lesson from sins along the way.

God will impart His wisdom and manner of teaching upon each of His children. We must trust that He will use each person’s temptation and sin to bring about His truths for their lives.

These are the things that belong to us….

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