Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weapon of Choice

“David said to the Philistine, ‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel whom you have defiled.’” 1 Samuel 17:45

David had the two weapons in his arsenal that were necessary for victory against Goliath. He carried into battle both passion and faith. He was neither intimidated by the size of his opponent nor the weapons for which his opponent would use. David was offended for God that this man would terrorize the children of God as well as hurl taunting remarks directly at God. His passion for God was ignited and powered a weapon that was more dangerous than any other thing he possessed in life. Goliath did not perish because of a rock but died because of David’s weapon of choice – his passion for God and his faith.

We all have enemies in this life that stand on the horizon mocking us, challenging us and threatening our very core of survival. This enemy may be work,financial, illness, relationships or spiritual but he is a real and formidable opponent.

When we have a passionate pursuit of Christ and the faith to achieve what He asks of us, we are armed and positioned to run into any battle with complete confidence of victory. This past year I faced my Goliath who stood on the horizon taunting me with fear, disbelief, and pain while hurling every weapon he had in his arsenal. It seemed that many days it looked as if I would be defeated but I carried those beautiful smooth stones of trust and faith in God in my bag knowing that success would be mine.

We can replace verse 45 with circumstances in our life and live out this childhood story that is near and dear to our hearts.

“And I said to cancer, to Alzheimer’s, and to addiction, ‘You come against me with fear, disbelief, pain and suffering but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of past deliverances, past faithfulness and future victories.’”

Whenever facing your Goliath, remember that the face may change but the enemy is always defeated when going against him with passion and faith.

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