Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pure In Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart, because they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

I am always amazed at the images for which God inspires me each morning. This morning as I was studying the concept of being pure in heart I pictured my fountain that is out on our patio. When kept clean it is beautiful and refreshing and brings me joy to experience. I am glad you are not on my patio to see the condition of my fountain! It is filled with stagnant water the color of grass and sits there ignored and neglected. (I believe there is even a dead lizard that found its tiny grave!) The joy that I receive when I clean up the fountain should keep me steadfast in caring for its cleanliness. Unfortunately, I get lazy and don’t want to do the work required to experience its beauty and refreshment.

This is the concept of being pure in heart. We allow our hearts to become still and stagnant, ignoring the daily cleansing required to keep our water running clear. It becomes tinted with hues that do not reflect the purity of Christ. Without running fresh water through the inner parts spiritual mold begins to gather. It becomes a graveyard for emotions instead of a cascade of living waters for not only our enjoyment but for others. I know that if the ‘fountain’ is clean the water that flows from within will also flow clear.

In the Bible, David was accredited with being a man after God’s own heart. He was a man in passionate pursuit of the Fountain that ran clear. In Psalm 51:10, his prayer was for a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” David was basically explaining to God that he had fallen away from his first love, God. He was in need of a total reworking of his inner parts. His fountain needed an overhaul from the inside out. He was asking for renewal and restoration as he had lost the joy he once possessed. We ask for what we know we can receive.

I can barely see that lizard through the green slimy water. It is a negative distraction and is a barrier for me experiencing joy. I have to get in there and pour out the old stagnant water and cleanse it well to clean it up. We must pray for a pure heart and do the work required for the water to run clear if we want to see God. Our lives will reflect the living waters and our joy will be restored.

Blessed are the pure in heart…their waters will run clear.

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