Friday, April 21, 2017

Faith...It Hurts So Good

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
The other day when I was walking I ran into a sweet friend whose mother had recently transitioned into the arms of Jesus.  It was the first time I saw her since her mom’s homegoing and I can only imagine the pain of that temporary separation.  As we were talking about it, she mistakenly said ‘Faith hurts’ and quickly corrected it to ‘Faith helps.’  We hugged and parted ways but I kept thinking about that statement…faith hurts.  I don’t think it is far-fetched to say that faith can hurt.
Faith tells us that we will see our loved ones again…but the walk hurts.  Faith tells us that our prodigal child will return someday…but the landscape still appears vacant for now.  Faith tells us to believe that God will provide…but the bank account is empty.  Faith looks around for hope when our hearts ache for resolution…but our circumstances mock us.  Faith can hurt because we know in our hearts that God can remove or create any situation to relieve our suffering.  Christ had more faith than we can ever imagine but His life was peppered with pain, rejection, suffering, abandonment and eventually death.  But because of Christ, hurt and healing can co-exist in the hearts of His believers.
We can hurt but through faith we are comforted.  We can fear but through faith we are confident.  We can plan but through faith we are guided.  Faith takes courage and devoted loyalty to God as we face the tribulations of this world.  Faith sees our loved ones left on this side of heaven when our hearts ache for those on the other side.  Faith is grateful for the blessings that we enjoy today.  Faith remembers the memories of yesterday as it slathers a balm across the fresh scars of separation.  Faith takes chaos and brings order into our lives.
Faith painfully believes…sacrificially loves…fearfully hopes.  Our faith increases through the hurt, sharing in His suffering, but with peace that transcends anything we could possible understand.  Faith is the fruit of our fellowship with our Father. 
Faith…it hurts so good.

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