Thursday, April 27, 2017

Waiting in our Tents

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going” Hebrews 11:8.

We all have testimonies that show what God has done, but Hebrews 11 is where God testifies about what man has done through faith. It is where God stands up before people and recalls those believers who, to this day, still are stand outs. Can you even imagine God calling your name before others as one who stands out in His mind when the subject of faith comes up? What made Abraham’s faith so unforgettable? What separated him from others in his time? It was his ability to discern a future promise from God and be willing to receive it on God’s timeframe and in God’s way. He didn’t run up ahead…he didn’t lag behind…he didn’t give up because it was taking too long. He moved according to what and where God said, and ‘set up tent’ in a future blessing that was invisible to him at the time.

I know that I am living in the ‘receive later’ land as God has shown me a glimpse of a future promised land. I know that in all of my impatience, foundations are being built, the framework is being secure and the garden is being planted for the harvest. Waiting is the most frustrating activity that feels anything but active. I suspect that many of you on the other side of this screen are waiting to receive something up ahead…a job…a spouse…a baby…a healing…a miracle. We must not take waiting lightly, after all God constantly waits on us…to believe…to spend time with Him. ‘Time by itself does nothing but grow us old. What we do with time makes the difference. God uses time to prepare us to build only what lasts with what we’re given. Based on Christ’s example, God our Father calls us to make contributions of quality, not just quantity. God created time and never wastes it. We alone waste it when our impatience to receive hinders our preparation to know when and what to do with it.” Believing God, Beth Moore, p. 87.

So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.’ Isaiah 30:18.

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