Friday, August 11, 2017

Casting Our Nets

As Jesus was walking…He saw two brothers…They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. ‘Come, follow Me’, Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ And at once they left their nets and followed Him.” Matthew 4:19.

Yesterday on the pier I watched this man for 30 minutes mesmerized by how many times He threw that net out. He never allowed it stay in the water more than 2 minutes. I remembered saying to myself that he should leave it in the water longer. But it is his net and his cast, not mine. I cannot count all of the many ways as an adult I have cast out my net only to pull back the empty realities of life. Impatience for something different and emptiness for many things were my companions for so long. Oh sure, I might have caught a fish or two in my attempt which gave me fleeting happiness. But that is all I reeled in…a temporary fix…a purchase that didn’t deliver…a relationship that didn’t hold up under adversity…smelly fish! But then, there are beautiful things that God placed in my net in spite of my casting. I discovered a loving marriage…a faithful family…treasured children.

But in February of 2006, God climbed up on that rail and cast His net for me wide and far. He took me places that I have never been before and following Him was and still is a thrill. It has been incredible… life altering…heart transforming…chaotic…heartbreaking…joyful…terrorizing…thrilling. My life before following Him was cast after cast pulling back empty nets. Now I allow Him to cast the net, and the yield is both plentiful and beautiful.

It is God’s desire for each of us to cast nets in our waters of influence. He has given us all a circle of friends and family for all of us to impact. Some of those fish in our nets will be difficult to handle but all of those in our nets are ordained to be there by God. When we follow Him, He will show us the most loving way to handle our catches. It is only through His character can we see what He sees about people and circumstances.

We are to be faithful in whatever God calls us to experience with whomever He places in our lives. So, cast your nets far and wide and watch what God can do with the yield.

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