Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Re-enactment or Recovery?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8.

The other morning when I was walking I noticed two signs, one in front of the other. One was promoting and inviting certain people to witness a re-enactment of the Civil War. The sign right behind it was an invitation for all to come to a Recovery in Christ meeting. I couldn’t help but consider these invitations as representations of our lives – our flesh and our spirit. The quickest way to do the opposite of this verse is to turn on the television. Our country represents the counterview of how God commands us to think and act. The news media continues to re-enact ever little detail that supports their agenda. It truly makes me sick and I have very little tolerance for the news today on every side. I seldom feel good about being affiliated with any party because they are parties of re-enactment. Parties who want to point out at every turn not only new details but old details as well. Parties who won’t allow dead to remain dead and fresh starts to give new life.

In drilling this down, I know for myself there have been times when I wanted to recover from seasons of hurt. I wanted Christ to take away my resentment and bitterness. But instead I re-enacted it in my heart holding back that little piece that God wishes to heal. Sometimes I re-enact how I am chained as a victim while others are walking in freedom. When God wants me to depart from my battlefield I sometimes drag dead bodies with me. What do you re-enact that is putting a barrier between you and God? What dead bodies are you dragging around with you? What can you do to recovery in Christ instead of circling the same wars you’ve already battled?

Our greatest battlefield is the battlefield of our minds. Our verse gives us the remedy to choose what is better. When our minds start to post a sign of re-enactment we must measure it against this verse. Am I thinking noble thoughts as Christ did? Am I acting in a pure way exemplified by Jesus? Do my actions and words resemble the lovely and admirable person of Jesus? Am I praising God for who He is and how He continues to invite us because of His great love for us, healing and recovering us from past wounds? These are things to consider when we run into battle.

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