Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Daisy By Another Name

But now, said the LORD, who created you…And he who formed you… ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine.’” Isaiah 43:1-2.

When I was in 1st grade I suddenly decided I wanted to be called Daisy. I remember asking my mom to call me that, along with my principal and teacher. They all tried to remember but more times than not Daisy was forgotten. I can even remember creating this art project during that time. It was an unfinished oval piece of wood a little smaller than a football. I took my Elmer’s Glue and squeezed the glue around the edge of the wood, also writing the name Daisy with the glue in the middle. On a piece of newspaper, I covered the artwork with a ton of glitter. As I picked up the project the majority of glitter fell off only to expose the sparkly edge and the name Daisy. I was so proud of that, and even carried it around with me. The problem was that nobody would remember to call me Daisy. I was trying to change my name, and I was the only one who seemed to care. I can still close my eyes and see my little hands laying it down on the counter at the grocery store. It was beautiful and sparkled so much. I just knew the cashier would notice and call me Daisy. But all I got was a smile from her. I just wanted someone…anyone to call me Daisy.

As I grew up I found myself still wanting others to call me something different than how I saw myself. I wanted someone to call me popular…cool…accepted…smart…invited. But time after time, those pursuits once again came up empty. It wasn’t until 2006 when God began an identity campaign to reveal who He said I was created to be. He showed me false identities that no longer would work for my life. He held up a mirror which reflected His Son, giving me the courage to lower the mask I had put on. He exposed flaws and loved me in spite of them. He accepted warts and all, and still does. Daily, He whispers that I am enough because He is more than enough. He redefined my life as it relates to His life. He continues to show me how loved I am… how invited into His presence I am…how equipped in Him I am…how redeemed I am.

We have been called by name by our Father to be the person He designed us to be…not the person we create to hide behind. The journey can be rough but the destination is to be who He formed with His very hands. The discovery is a beautiful, chaotic, messy little project but with His touch our lives will glitter and sparkle the way He intended.

I still have days when I want to be called something else, but God is teaching me to embrace my true identity in Him. I am His masterpiece and so are you! God says, ‘You’re my poem. You are my masterpiece. I don’t want you copying somebody else. I’ve put gifts in you – heart, abilities, personality, and experiences – I want you to use them.” (Rick Warren) 

May we all walk out our beautiful poems that God wrote for each of us.

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