Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Following Glory

Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19

Last night Bruce and I went to our grandson Carson’s football game to watch them advance in the playoffs. It was a great game and a beautiful night for the win that they obtained. I love watching those young boys working together and pursuing a common goal. At one point the quarterback hurled the football down the field and a runner took off. He ran vigorously toward the endzone, and when he turned around he discovered the ball was coming right to him. With his arms open wide and his eyes keenly focused he received the catch and made the score. He chased after the touchdown before he even knew the throw was coming to him. Had he lagged behind he would never have been in position to be victorious.

This morning in my study time I discovered the Hebrew translation for ‘follow’ is to pursue, to chase after and to attend closely. ‘Follow me’ were the words Jesus said upon each introduction to his disciples. He wasn’t asking them to lag behind in a slow pace or a mediocre fashion. He was exhorting them to pursue Him…to chase after him…to attend closely to His words and actions. Jesus understood that the only way His disciples could be ready to draw people to God was for them to first be drawn to Him. The same is no different today as Jesus calls us to follow Him…to chase after the truths of God…to attend to His people closely. He never calls us to lag behind Him, but rather to chase after Him as He pursues good on our behalf and the behalf of others.

Once we have chased after His plans and discovered His ways we can run vigorously down the field with confidence. We can know that when He throws His blessings towards us we are in position to receive them. And when we receive His goodness we pass on the benefit to the rest of the team…those who need to know Jesus.

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