Thursday, October 4, 2018

Say it Again, Lord!

Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” Ge 1:3.

This morning I heard a beautiful song by Hillsong called Let There Be Light. I began thinking about the command that God spoke into the darkness at the beginning of time. As I thought about that phrase, the beginning of time, I realized that the light marked our world’s beginning, not God’s. God has always been, so He didn’t speak those words of forming the light until He had purposed the perfect time. He determined when light would penetrate the darkness setting in place the creation of the world.

This morning I continue to be heartbroken with the gut-wrenching confirmation hearings and all that surrounds it. It makes me scared for my husband, son and grandson that someone might speak into their lives lies or misperceptions forever changing their world. It makes me fearful that my daughters or granddaughters might have something happen to them that no one believes. The brutal treatment of the human soul for these people feels like we have relegated the world back to its original darkness. It feels like evil is attempting to undo everything good that God has set in place. But this morning, I am calling all of us to ask God to say those words again. We cannot allow darkness to suffocate light. We will call for the Creator to speak those life-giving words again making darkness run for cover. Lord, let there be light for those confirmation hearings and FBI investigations. Let there be light for the person sitting in the chemo chair as the darkness of cancer threatens their life. Let there be light for the husband and wife whose marriage has been fractured by darkness. Let there be light Lord for the person who suffers with addiction, and the children who have no voice. Let there be light for the lonely, the grieving, the abandoned and the wounded.

Say it again Lord, say it again! Our nation, our cities, our families and our churches need a revival of your Light. We need healing in every areas of our lives. We need to have the courage and boldness to stand up and call upon the Father of all nations. We need to find our own light to shine in a world where darkness doesn’t have to work very hard. Let there be light on our tongues, in our hearts, and in our service. Light began with one phrase from God, and we have the opportunity each day to carry His light through the day. We have this little light that we can choose to shine, instead of hiding it under the darkness.

Say it again Lord, say it again!

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