Sunday, October 28, 2018

He Will Do It Again!

The strength of the laborers fails, since there is so much rubbish. We will never be able to rebuild the wall.” Nehemiah 4:10

When I see pictures of the devastation of Hurricane Michael and the debris left in its path I am so disheartened for these people. The huge storm crashed into their lives and the rebuilding of their homes must seem daunting and insurmountable. Where do they begin to rebuild a life that they have always known? What is worth keeping and what was ruined in the storm? Going through the rubbish left from the devastation is how they can take small steps to achieve a big goal. It is all about keeping their eyes on their future recovery, not on their present devastation.

I’m wondering this morning how many of you are sifting through the rubbish of a devastating storm that hit your life? Do you feel like things will never be the same and that your life will never be rebuilt into a strong and happy future? When storms hit, and they always do, the only way to walk through the emotions is to hand them over to Jesus. We were never meant to keep returning to the place the storm hit, rather clean up the effects of the storm. We were never meant to hang onto rubbish that God wishes us to remove. We were never meant to be victims of our circumstances, rather conquerors over our battles. All of this can only be done by keeping our eyes on the prize…a life rebuilt on wisdom, hope and faith that God can and will restore all things. Going through the rubbish left behind bridges the former and the latter…the past and the future…the heartbreak and the joy. But the most dangerous thing that will threaten our recovery is to linger on that bridge.

The greatest rubbish in our devastation lies on the floor of our minds. When we continue to go through the same rubbish…thinking the same negative thoughts…resurrecting a storm that has been dissipated... this creates a barrier between being stuck and moving into our new destiny. God has a plan in the storms just as He does in the calm. He wants to move from the rubbish to the clean-up, so the rebuilding can once again move forward. His heart is motivated by a love we cannot even fathom, coupled with power that can and will accomplish His plan for each of us. Nehemiah calms the fears of the people with 5 anchoring words, ‘Our God will fight for us!’ (v.20)

What does that promise mean, to you and to me? It means that there is work on the horizon! It means that the frightened parents can have confidence that God is with their wayward child! It means that marriages will be healed, and wombs will be opened! It means that we don’t have to respond to our enemies because God justify the wrong does to us! The list goes on and on if we really believe. Do the work of healing…sift through the rubbish…throw it out…embrace the rebuilding of your life. God has done it once in your life I’m sure, and He will do it again!

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your entire spirit, soul, and body be kept…The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” 2 Thessalonians 5:23-24

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