Friday, May 3, 2019

But God

And when they had carried out all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead” (Acts 13:29-30)
When I read this verse today the words ‘they had carried out all that was written of him’ I couldn’t help but to consider my life and your life. The Old Testament is a beautiful string of divine prophesies of the story of Jesus, His birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. Every single event that God said would happen was fulfilled. The life of Jesus was perfectly orchestrated in purpose, perfection and power. It wasn’t a glamorous life by any means, but more of a humble life…an obedient life all the way His death…a sacrificial life. The greatest ‘But God’ moment ever was the moment Christ was raised from the dead…But God!
You and I are also living out our own prophesies that God has written into our stories. He has perfectly planned out the duration of our lives and has seen to every detail. Like Jesus, there will be times when we are humbled. There will be seasons when we are broken. There will be circumstances when we are on our knees in our Gardens of Gethsemane. But God… There has never been a situation since before the beginning of time that God didn’t have the love and power to help mankind triumph. But sometimes we certainly act like He lacks power in our challenges. We fret and we worry convincing ourselves that the worst will happen. We repeatedly relive past wounds keeping us stuck in our pain. We are so anxious waiting on the future outcome that we ignore the 24 hours that we are actually walking out. But Acts 13:30 gives us a hopeful voice if we will just speak it into our circumstances…But God.
To the husband and wife who doubt their marriage can be saved…But God can redeem your marriage. To the family who is sitting beside their sick loved one…But God can heal them on earth. To the broken hearted who had to say their temporary goodbye to their loved ones…But God has raised them in glory and power to live eternally with Him. There are so many situations where we can speak those two confident words in our space of disbelief…our space of fear…our space of loneliness…our space of being crushed in spirit.
God is writing our stories and at the end of every one of our lives, all that was written of us will have been fulfilled and we will close our eyes to this world…But God will open our eyes to His perfect and eternal world.

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