Friday, May 17, 2019

Sending Out Doves

At the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters decreased…So it came to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark…Then he sent out a raven…He also sent out from himself a dove, to see if the waters had receded…But the dove found no resting place…and she returned…And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out…Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth…So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return to him anymore.” Genesis 8:3-12

I recently was wondering why the story of Noah gets considered in our childhood but rarely in our adulthood. And yet I am just as guilty as I search for Bible studies for my morning meditation. I don’t believe I have ever googled studies on Noah, so this morning I decided to read his amazing story again. When we really think about the details of what he and his family faced it is really remarkable. God sent the rain to destroy every breathing thing of the earth due to the evil and corrupt condition of man. Noah and his family obediently watched the rain cover the earth for almost half of a year. I am sure they sat inside hearing the rain batter the sides of the ark day after day and night after night. When would their circumstances change? Would they ever see the sunny days again? When the darkness of the skies cleared what would life be like after the event? But I believe that the miracle wasn’t necessarily finally getting off the ark but the things that happened along the way during the storm. The relic of the dove tells a story of faith and hope in the middle of this overarching story. Noah sent out the dove as a belief that God is still in control and they would one day be delivered. Sending out the dove for the second time was a belief that God is faithful, and His timing is perfect. Sending out the dove for the final time was an offering of thanks for the God who rescues. I am sure Noah knew the dove would not return since the water had finally receded.

I cannot tell you how many times the miracle for me has been on the way to the outcome. God gave me hope when things were hopeless. God gave me strength when I was at my weakest. God gave me the desire to keep sending out the dove in hopes of seeing that God is still faithful, and God is so good. This story tells us to keep sending out the doves and hope and encouragement will find its way back to us. Doves come in different faces and different ways…an encouraging card…a comforting Scripture…a sermon that hits home…comfort and peace through prayer…a community of prayer warriors. Whatever you are going through don’t forget to send out the dove and watch for the freshly plucked olive leaf. God will bring miracles of hope and encouragement while you wait for the waters to recede. You are not alone! Then one beautiful day the darkness of the ark will be lit up when the doors to tomorrow will produce sunshine.

Then God spoke to Noah, saying, ‘Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you.” Genesis 8:15-16.
Image may contain: bird and sky

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