Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Seeking Solitude

Now when it was day, He departed and went into a deserted place…So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 4:42, 5:16

One of the most important principles that the life and walk of Jesus exemplified is the necessity of rest, renewal and determined solitude with God.  Throughout the New Testament are snapshots of when Jesus quietly and intentionally separated Himself from the noises and demands of His work.  He was very intentional in teaching the Word and committed to the purpose in which God created Him.  But He also understood that the strength and power required to carry out God’s plan was given by God and through God.  In order to receive what He was to give to others He must first receive what God would give to Him.  Without His determined times of solitude with God, He would have experienced burn out and burden just as we will without rest and prayer.

I can’t help but to wonder how many of us today are facing circumstances that in our own power and wisdom will not be resolved.  I’m wondering how many of us shot out of bed, pulled out our to-do’s and rushed past our time with the Father.  Even if we get good rest through the night, that doesn’t mean that we will have spiritual rest during the day.  When we acknowledge spiritual rest as an important detail that Jesus refused to neglect, our capacity to emulate His love for the world will increase…Know your limits…know that your time won’t look like someone else’s limits…Remember, carving out space for spiritual renewal helps us to listen to God’s voice with clarity, deepen our intimacy with Him, determine His will for our lives, and find strength to obey it.Determined, Heather M Dixon, p. 49.

We can only give to others what we have already received from God.  The more solitude spent with the Source will increase our capacity to love and serve those who God has placed in our lives. 

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things will be given to you.” Matthew 6:33.

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