Wednesday, May 22, 2019

In That Instant

Now there was…Anna…a prophetess…who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers day and night.  And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord…” Luke 2:36-38

I’m sure I have heard of this woman before but this morning my Bible Study invited me to come a little closer to fully understand this scene.  At first glance I read about a customary and somewhat routine service that the parents of all firstborn males were instructed to attend when the child was eight days old.  It was the service where the parents presented their son back to the Lord.  But as we soon learn from this story this was no common child and this was anything but routine.  This child was Jesus and His divinity would soon to be revealed.  After Mary had completed her days of purification, she and Joseph handed Jesus over to Simeon who was full of the Spirit.  He took Jesus in his arms, prayed to God in gratitude and declared that Jesus was ‘a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of God’s people of Israel’ (Luke 2:32).  So why did Anna, ‘in that instant’ begin thanking the Lord?  She began thanking the Lord the moment she saw Jesus because she had developed sensitivity to God’s Spirit.  Her days were spent fasting and praying, most likely for…her church…her circle of influence…her community.  The greater the time she spent before the Lord the more sensitive she was to His influence and His revelations.  She began her deep worship of gratitude because of her realization that the child before her would be the Savior to save her and mankind.  And that is the good news that we can take away from the life of a woman who was determined to worship God.

We too can be sensitive to God’s spirit the more we fellowship and worship Him.  We are New Testament believers which means we carry the temple of God within us.  And just like Anna we can pray and fast day and night when we meet God in our hearts.  We too will know things ‘in that instant’ when God gently nudges us through His spirit.  It is why in an instant someone comes to mind for prayer.  It is why in an instant we feel compelled to help a stranger.  It is why in an instant, songs are written, ministries are born, and sinners are saved.  Without worship our responses to the daily events we will experience will likely include irritation, anger, self-focus to name a few because we are not being determined to worship God.  ‘A worshipful heart prepares us for what we may meet in the coming day.’ Determined, Heather M Dixon, p. 18.  We too can be people who ‘do not depart from the temple’ and pursue the spirit of God and offer ongoing worship.  ‘Indeed, God the Father created our bodies, God the Son redeemed them, and God the Holy Spirit indwells them.  This makes our body the very temple of the Holy Spirit of God.’ Got Questions website.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?’ 1 Co 6:19. 

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