Thursday, May 23, 2019

Unopened Bibles...Unopened Minds

Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.” Luke 2:46-47

It is so tempting to rush pass this passage documenting a day in the life of Jesus as a twelve-year-old. When I think about Jesus at this age, I consider my grandson when he was twelve. He spent most of his time pursing new video games, practicing for football and running around the neighborhood with other boys his age. It is difficult to fathom Jesus at that age already challenging the teachers in the temple on their understanding of the Old Testament. But it also says that He listened to the teachers who were affluent in the Scripture. Our verse records that ALL who heard Him were astonished at His knowledge and answers regarding the Bible and what the law stated. Jesus grew up under Jewish customs which meant He was drenched in the words of God. Although Jesus was the Word made flesh, His life shows us the way to receive wisdom and understanding. It is through listening to those who have God’s wisdom and knowledge about the things of God. It is by being drenched in the Word, being in communion with the Father and being obedient in God’s purpose for life. Without daily engagement with His word we will miss His message.

We have all been given the path to wisdom and understanding and in my Bible, it begins on page 3, 'In the beginning...' Ge 1:1. We must understand where God started when recording His story with mankind to understand where we will finish our story. Trying to apply His will to our lives without involving Scripture is like trying to build a home with a blueprint. The home we construct without direction and guidance will be built upon a crumbling foundation. But when we open the front page of that beautiful Book where God still breathes His way, His will and His promises we will gain wisdom and application for our lives. God doesn’t leave us alone to understand the message of the Word but faithfully reveals the beauty and mystery of the message that was written just for us.

And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45.

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