Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Stopped in our Tracks

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Last weekend my son Michael spent a few nights with us and had us almost in tears from laughing at a story he told. One of our grand pups is Lucy who is an adorable French Bulldog that looks like a little sausage but has a kind little spirit. Luna is another grand pup who is only a little over a year and full of puppy energy mixed with a little rebellion. Luna had gotten out and was running free and fierce away from the home. Michael ran out of the door chasing her and was closing in on her when Lucy bolted from behind, clipping Michael’s legs out from beneath him sending him to the ground. That little dog shot like a bullet from a gun and stopped Michael in his tracks. Every time I pictured that event I began laughing again.

Seriously though that snapshot reminds me of how God clipped my legs from under me as I was chasing the things of the world…image…acceptance…approval. Scripture tells us that every single one of us was created in Christ to accomplish things on behalf of God before we ever breathed our first breath. We were born in love and purpose and we are to live in love and purpose. It wasn’t until Feb. 2006 that God intervened in my chase of worldly things and put me on a new path…His path…His work…His walk. I still fall short in accomplishing the purposes that He lay before me, but that is the beauty of being His workmanship. ‘God isn’t looking for perfect people who know how to do everything right. He’s looking for people who are willing to choose habits of faithfulness. He will direct that outpouring of our time spent with Him to spill over where it needs to.Determined, Heather M. Dixon, p. 40.

Each day we awaken to another day that God has ordained for us and the good work that He has purposed for us. How will we know what good is to be accomplished for others by the work of our hands without giving the ‘first fruits’ of our day to God? It is through worship, Scripture, prayer and obedience that will put us on the path that God has planned for us. And when we are chasing the things of God, we will be less likely to end up on the ground.

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