Thursday, July 16, 2009

Recognizing the Pillars

“By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.” Exodus 13:21-22.

Earlier in the week I was in a situation that left me feeling unappreciated and overall depleted of joy. I found myself feeling the beginnings of resentment and a bit of bitterness. Luckily, I do not experience these feelings very often and when I do I feel distant from God. I had decided to withdraw from the situation and watch television – the ultimate numbing of the brain! I glanced over my shoulder and noticed that in the top corner of the window was the brightest orange sky I have ever seen. It drew me in and beckoned me to see more. I crept down the stairs half way and laid on the steps in complete awe! The entire window was splashed with five different colors in the sky, one fading into the other. No artist could replicate this picture. Each time I left the window to return to the television I found myself peering over the shoulder to see if the color was still there. I kept returning to the same spot on the steps to experience the view.

That beautiful canvas kept calling me for the next hour to enjoy, experience and be a part of. I know that the sky was God’s manifestation of Himself to encourage and lift me up. Other times in my past God has used sunrises and sunsets to show His presence to me and to display His love for me. With God’s majestic presence upon me, around me and displayed for me I was unable to hold on to those “unlovely attitudes.”

God uses different means to reveal Himself to each of us according to what will be most easily recognized by us. His presence calms, soothes and transcends into a realm that makes the earthly emotions seem distant and lifeless. I have forever sketched that canvas in my mind, and any negative feelings that try to take root will be weeded out by that beautiful image of His manifestation – that pillar of fire in the sky.

Look for your pillar of cloud during the day and experience the fire of the pillar of His presence – His manifestation is always there.

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