Friday, August 28, 2009

The God of "Now"

“If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also.” John 12:26.

God is certainly faithful and does what He says He will do! Yesterday evening when Bruce arrived home from work, I asked why he thought that it had to be so hard to know God’s will. I mentioned that as a parent I wanted to be very clear with our children what my thoughts, desires and concerns for their lives were without any question or mystery. My husband stated that he knows God desires clear direction for our lives just as we do for the lives of our children. It is so easy to ask for God to reveal His extended will for us. We want to know what is up ahead.

I have been in a holding pattern ever since my sister died wondering what was next. I know that ELM holds many opportunities to serve in the future and I find myself imagining this ministry “this way or that way”. True to God’s promise, this morning I entered into my Bible Study with this question on my heart. God answered with a resounding response. The subject this morning was meeting God to discern His will for today alone. Allow me to quote Priscilla Shirer in Discerning the Voice of God, p.90.

God is the God of right now. He calls us not to be regretful over yesterday or worried about tomorrow. He wants us to focus on what He is saying to us and putting in front of us right now. The Enemy’s voice will focus on the past and the future while the voice of our God will focus on today. He is the God of right now. God wants to reveal Himself and His plans to you. He isn’t trying to keep you from discovering His will. Look around you. Ask God to open your eyes so you can see what He is up to and quickly join in.”

As the verse states, “where I am” means the here and now. I know that God will reveal His will for my life and this ministry day by day. As His servants, when we align our heart and mind in the present we will experience His “will of the now” which will eventually lead us to His “will of the future”. Without the gradual and daily unfolding of God’s will we will be unable to make sense of the future and what treasures may lie up ahead.

As He unfolds our destinies and speaks His will over our lives daily we will be able to not only know but to experience.

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