Saturday, August 15, 2009

To Conform or Transform

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2.

Simple verse – difficult feat! Ask any addict and they will tell you that addiction takes root and grows first in the mind. Our minds and thoughts power everything we do with so much abiding in the sub consciousness of our psyche. To conform is easy for it takes the lazy way out allowing our sub consciousness to take over, to act and react without any effort on our part.

To transform anything takes not only an orchestrated plan but a necessary discipline to bring it to fruition. Paul wrote this verse as he was writing his letters to the different churches of Rome encouraging them to not simply conform but transform. He “wrote the book” on transforming as he was struck down blind on the road to Damascus to persecute more Christians. Paul was responsible for the execution of Christians who had decided to accept Christ and further His teachings. He was the leader of conforming to the world until God used this transformation to show Paul how he was to change his entire belief system.

I love the definition of “renew” as it is described in the dictionary. It states to renew is to replace something that is worn, broken, or no longer suitable for use. Our minds definitely qualify for this renewal as our old way of thinking has become no longer suitable for our lives. Reacting with old thought patterns places obstacles in the way to experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit thereby, possibly missing out on the revelations from God. We must develop an intentional plan for developing new thought patterns that bring us around to a higher thinking. Getting into the Word each morning and setting aside time to fellowship with God throughout the day affords God the time and access to our minds allowing Him to do the work of transformation.

Present your mind to God and allow Him to renew, replace and do His amazing work.

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