Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Everlasting Way

“What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.” Isaiah 46:11

Could the Bible be anymore clear than this one little verse anchored firmly in Isaiah? Because God loves us and desires us to choose Him for intimate fellowship He created us with His permissive will. Permissive will is the will that we possess to make both good and bad decisions. Just like with our own children, they can choose to step out of our will and operate on their own understanding.

The choice to detour from God’s will doesn’t affect the purpose for which God created each of us. His will is going to always be realized with or without our participation. The string of events which lead up to the fulfillment of His plan may be altered based on our decisions but the will of our Creator will be realized.

Thankfully, God is a patient God extending love to all His children allowing them time to come around to His plan and purpose. One of the most powerful prayers is one of my husband’s whose prayer includes that God be merciful when dealing with his sins. Many times we have unconfessed sins not recognizing them and how they affect our lives. Through asking God to reveal both His plan and any obstacle that stands in the way we create a more open flow between our heart and the heart of God. “Search me, O God, and know my heart…See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24.

Allowing God to lead us in the everlasting way is surrendering our way to God.

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