Saturday, April 24, 2010

Growing Up Jiminy

“I speak the truth in Christ – I am not lying, my conscience confirms in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 9:1

Growing up, Pinocchio was one of my most beloved films not because of the mischievous wooden boy but because of his little sidekick, Jiminy Cricket. I loved that little cricket who seemed to have Pinocchio’s best interest at heart. He followed him everywhere supporting, encouraging and warning him about possible dangers. He even implored that he ‘let his conscience be his guide.’ Sound familiar?

It is written that God gave us the Spirit of truth (John 14:17) to guide us into all of the truth and will only speak what He hears from God on our behalf (John 16:13). Certain truths will be revealed and confirmed with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit acts in two-fold through our conscience. He confirms a clear conscience and convicts a guilty conscience by the level of peace for which we experience in any situation. If we cannot obtain peace with some issue then chances are we are at odds with our conscience. If we can obtain peace within a decision it is most likely the Holy Spirit confirming our clear conscience.

The closer we get to Christ the louder the Holy Spirit speaks the heart and mind of God. While it may become easier to discern right from wrong the key is our obedience to act upon that discernment. If there is a decision that one must make the Holy Spirit will confirm or convict regarding that decision.

When aligned with the will of God, our conscience becomes a wonderful and valuable indicator of the path for which we should take in any decision. Once our ‘conscience confirms in the Holy Spirit’ we will experience ‘the peace of God that transcends all understanding.’ (Phil 4:7)

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