Monday, June 14, 2010

He's The Man!

“As he went along he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life...’ ‘Go…wash.’ So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, ‘Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?’… But he himself insisted, ‘I am the man.’ ‘How then were your eyes opened?’ they demanded. ‘He replied, ‘The man they call Jesus…’ John 9:1-11

This story has so many spiritual principles from which we can draw as Christians. This was an exchange between Jesus and the disciples. Jesus explained the principle of purpose in challenges. He made it real clear that the blindness was known to God prior to birth so that at the proper time His power would be displayed in him. “Jesus did not mean that the man had not sinned, or that his parents had not sinned. Rather, He meant that the blindness was not a direct result of sin in their lives. God has allowed this man to be born blind in order that the man might become a means of displaying the mighty works of God. Before the man was born, the Lord Jesus knew He would give sight to those blind eyes.” Believer’s Bible Commentary, pp. 1520-1521. We will all face challenges throughout our lives which were known to God before we were known to the world. Nothing comes into our lives that God doesn’t have full discloser of and the purpose attached.

On April 30, 1982 the doctors placed a bundle of joy into my arms for the first time. God already knew that she would develop an addiction and walk a dark and blinding life for eight years. He already knew that He would heal her in order for others to see His mighty work and the miracle He performed. He knew that one day He would look upon her and speak those mighty words, ‘Go…Wash!’ He knew that witnesses would then look upon her life questioning if that could really be her. Could this be the same one who ‘sat and begged’? My daughter now proclaims at every turn, ‘I am the person,’ and identifies her Healer. The man they call Jesus!

Much like the blind man, we have been created with purposeful challenges so that God’s power may be displayed in us.

Much like the blind man, we beg for mercy, healing, and deliverance through our prayers.

Much like the blind man, we can be washed and cleansed from anything.

Much like the blind man, we will be transformed and have sight where there was once blindness.

Much like the blind man, we will have testimony in our transformation.

‘I am that man!’

1 comment:

Benita said...

Brenda, as usual your devotional this day is just beautiful and so encouraging to so many of us. Thank you. Love, M