Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Got Milk?

“For as a man thinks within himself, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7

Ouch! This one hurts as I think about how negative I can be in some of the circumstances surrounding my life during this season. I cannot believe how easily we default to our lower nature when approaching life. Like curdled cream, negativity always rises to the top. It is spoiled and sour but we still keep it around allowing it to ‘flavor’ our perspective on our situation. We must throw out the cream and replace it with holy milk!

We must recognize the flow of the negative saturating the positive thoughts. We must make a conscious decision to replace any negative thoughts which infiltrate with the positive truths of God. We must pray to God to ask for His help in reprogramming our thought patterns as many of them have been around as long as we can remember. We must practice recognizing our negative thoughts, taking each negative thought captive and replacing them with ‘whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, good and excellent.' (Phil. 4:8)

‘If your mind operates from a positive viewpoint, seeing life’s trials as opportunities for growth and achievement, then you will experience encouragement and a greater degree of success…Once God’s truth is planted within our hearts, we begin to see life from His perspective. His light pierces the darkness of our hopeless situations, and we are no longer bound by negativity…The amount of suffering we experience due to sustained bouts of negative thinking and battered emotions is outrageous…In most cases, our lives are the results of what we think and believe.’ Charles Stanley, Success God’s Way.

We have all heard the old saying, ‘You are what you eat!’ The same is true in our thinking… ‘We are what we drink and think!’

Got Milk?

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